inner-block design
-Leon Krier 1993
We can feel that the places we live, work and call home have somehow left us behind. The young and old feel this acutely. Many trace this history back to ‘post war development’ or ‘the automobile’ - but the fundamental break between the built environment and the human person happened long before and has been platted into American towns and cities since their founding.
Bridging that void does not require much real estate - but it does require creating new public space at a human scale. Two defining characteristics of American streets both historic and modern, are their vast size in relationship to the pedestrian and their lack of spatial definition.
Modern infrastructure needs wide streets. First responders need wide streets. Amazon delivery, general traffic, off street parking all need our existing wides streets. But there is room inside the block for an urban oasis. The inner-block is the place where your town or city’s most beautiful, human scaled street or plaza is waiting to be built.​